foundation repair

Foundation Repair

We know that most older homes throughout Los Angeles & Southern California were not built with steel reinforcement (or rebar) embedded 8-12? into the soil. While the average lifespan of older homes with little to no repair reinforcement will last about 50 years, by today’s standards they can last anywhere from 75-150 years depending on the soil condition existing under and around your home.

Even the strongest foundations eventually deteriorate. Problems can start out small, but quickly grow into costly repairs if left unchecked.

If caught early, most problems can be repaired quickly and easily. Catching these problems early can also help you avoid having to replace your foundation. If your house has any of the following symptoms, call LARC today for a comprehensive evaluation of your foundation:

  • Cracked foundation
  • A crack in a wall or exterior stucco
  • Windows and doors sticking and not opening properly
  • Uneven floors
  • Crooked posts and piers
  • Crumbling foundation
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